Local Number Portability


Let ISP Telecom take care of your Portability needs.

Porting allows end users to keep their telephone number (DID or Toll-Free) when changing service providers. ISP Telecom offers quick and efficient LNP transfers for our wholesale customers Worldwide in Canada.

In either USA or Canada, you are just a few steps away from our extensive footprint across North America. Whether you have a business, consumer or wholesale Local Number Portability (LNP) need, you will enjoy peace of mind with our seamless process.

The LNP process is tailored to streamline the essential functions of Local Number Porting and simplify an otherwise complex process. Simply login to our Customer Portal and input your LNP request. Also, connect via API to get the recent status of your LNP orders. We offer a large pool of Native Canadian DIDs, as well as off-net Canadian and USA DIDs.

Just so you know!!

  • It may take up to 5 business days to port DIDs.
  • Porting Toll-Free Numbers may take around 3-10 business days.
  • There is NO downtime when transferring between communications services providers.

A complete list of rate centres where we offer LNP can be found on our Coverage Page. You can also check the Local Calling Guide to make sure our NPA-NXX covers your local calling area.



Click on map image to see our NPA-NXX coverage and rate centres

Check 8XX number here
Download Canada Coverage List

[email protected]